Miadent Dentist

The Importance of Oral and Gum Diseases During Pregnancy

The Importance of Oral and Gum Diseases During Pregnancy

Attention Pregnant Mothers!

Gum diseases are more common in mothers who gave birth to a Low Weight Baby (DAB) compared to mothers who gave birth to a Normal Weight Baby.

In our first issue, we mentioned that oral infections, dental and gum diseases are diseases that concern our entire body and can lead to problems related to “heart diseases, strokes, respiratory system, endocrine system (Diabetes), and urinary system”. One of the most important problems among these is that dental and gum diseases affect the urinary system.

According to statistics, the annual birth rate is around 1.5 million. Again, according to statistics, premature birth rates are around 8 percent and infant mortality rates are 17 per thousand.

During pregnancy;

  • Smoking – alcohol – drug use
  • Improper prenatal care
  • Low socioeconomic level
  • Hypertension
  • Inappropriate gestational age
  • Diabetes
  • Genito-urinary infections

They increase the risk of giving birth to a low-weight baby.

Urinary system infections are one of the most important reasons for premature births and low-weight baby births (Pregnant women with bacteria in their urine have a risk of premature birth, weighing less than 2500 grams, before the 37th week).

In premature births and low birth weight babies; Congenital anomalies, respiratory disorders and neurodevelopmental disabilities can be discussed. Therefore, the social and economic problems that Low Weight Babies will create are huge.

Bacterial vaginosis is the most common vaginal disease in the reproductive period, and this condition is caused by changes in the vaginal microflora. Bacterial vaginosis is a risk factor for premature birth, premature rupture of membranes and low birth weight babies.

The most frequently isolated bacteria when amniotic fluid is checked in women who give birth prematurely is F. Nucleatum.

The presence of nucleatum in the amniotic fluid indicates that the infection may have been transferred from the oral cavity hematogenously.

In women who gave birth prematurely, F. Nucleatum strains cultured from amniotic fluid and F. Nucleatum strains in the mouth (subgingival plate) were found to be very similar.

Gum disease was found to be more common in mothers who gave birth to a Low Weight Baby (LLB) compared to mothers who gave birth to a normal weight baby.

It has also been shown that periodontitis is more likely to cause DAD than smoking and alcohol.

When the mouths of mothers who gave birth to Low Weight Babies (LBW) were examined, persistent microorganisms that cause gingivitis were found to be at a higher rate. (Higher rates of Aa, Forsythusi P. Gingivalis and T. Denticola were found in the subgingival area.(

Gingivitis, which we call gingivitis during pregnancy, is seen between 30 percent and 100 percent. There is a very important relationship between gingivitis and pregnancy.


  • Bleeding gums during pregnancy is important, it indicates gingivitis and must be treated.
  • Pregnant people have to pay more attention to their oral and dental health care than usual due to changing hormone levels and the negative impact this will have on the gums.
  • During pregnancy, we must see a dentist and have oral hygiene checks.


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