Digital DentistryDigital Dentistry; It is a system that has become popular recently. It is a method that allows dental treatments, which are generally performed manually, to be supported by a co...YAZIYI OKU
Oral and Maxillofacial SurgeryOral and maxillofacial surgery ; It is one of the techniques that can be performed on people of all ages. It causes various injuries, disorders and diseases as a result of dama...YAZIYI OKU
Smile DesignIt is the process of giving a natural and beautiful appearance to teeth and gums that are aesthetically damaged for various reasons, taking into account the facial shapes and needs...YAZIYI OKU
Implant TreatmentImplant treatment is carried out by experts in the most professional way. Implants are placed in the jawbone and support the dental prosthesis. This method is preferred for peop...YAZIYI OKU
Oral Diagnosis and Dental RadiologyDental Radiology Dental Radiology Treatment is a complementary method to clinical examination that we can use in diagnosis and treatment to define disease, diagnosis and treat...YAZIYI OKU
Teeth Whitening TreatmentBefore starting the Teeth Whitening process, the sensitivity or hardness and softness of your teeth should be evaluated. If your teeth and enamel have a sensitive structure, the...YAZIYI OKU
What is Sedation? Dental Treatment with SedationWhat is Sedation? Questions such as what is Sedation Therapy and where is it used are common questions. Sedation simply means “to calm down” and it is very important that it...YAZIYI OKU
Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment)Endodontics (Root Treatment) Endodontic Root Canal Treatment is a Latin dental term. Endo means ‘inside’ while donti means ‘tooth’. The department of end...YAZIYI OKU
Prosthesis-Prosthodontic TreatmentDental prosthesis Dental Prosthesis is specially prepared for the individual in case the gums, teeth or surrounding tissues are lost due to damage due to certain reasons. In thi...YAZIYI OKU
Pedodontics (Child Dentistry)The field of Pediatric Dentistry is very different from adult dentistry. Because the mouth structure of children and the mouth structure of adults are very different from each o...YAZIYI OKU
OrthodonticsOrthodontics is a branch of medicine and provides treatments for dental, jaw and facial disorders. Orthodontics is a unit that everyone may need and receive support from time...YAZIYI OKU
Gum Diseases (Periodontology)Periodontology is the branch of science that deals with diseases that occur in the tissues around the teeth , that is, in the bones surrounding the teeth along with the gums...YAZIYI OKU
ZirconiumThe porcelain tooth coating method with a zirconium dioxide substructure is called zirconium. Thanks to the latest developing technology, it has started to be used widely in den...YAZIYI OKU
Lamina TreatmentLamina treatment is the name given to the coating applied on the patients’ teeth after a minimum amount of filing. The desired whiteness and smile can be achieved with a t...YAZIYI OKU